Withdraw funds

Get a cash advance on your vesting block rewards

SPs need funds to pay for expenses other than pledge collateral on the network, like gas and payroll. As a result, they need a way to move FIL out of the system.

When an SP withdraws funds from the system, they are removing equity. SPs can withdraw funds such that their debt-to-equity (DTE) stays below 100%.

For example,

Borrowed FundsEquity ValueMax Withdraw Amount

100 FIL

1000 FIL

900 FIL

500 FIL

1000 FIL

500 FIL

1000 FIL

1000 FIL


To maximize withdrawing funds from the system, the SP should borrow 1/2 of their equity value.

Withdrawing block rewards

Every time an SP earns a block reward, its equity value increases. Therefore, after making its weekly payment, an SP can borrow more. The SP is free to withdraw the borrowed funds, allowing them to get a cash advance on their block rewards.

Last updated