Deposit FIL
What is iFIL?
iFIL is an ERC20 token deployed on Filecoin that Liquidity Providers (LPs) hold to earn rewards. As long as Storage Providers (SPs) are borrowing FIL from the pool, the value of iFIL increases every block, which translates into rewards for LPs. To learn more, click here.
How can I earn rewards from holding iFIL?
iFIL can be thought of as a 'redemption ticket' for FIL deposited into GLIF. It allows the iFIL holder to withdraw FIL from the pool. The amount of FIL that can be redeemed with 1 iFIL token increases as the pool earns fees from SPs. To learn more, click here.
How do I provide liquidity in GLIF? / How do I get iFIL?
Liquidity can be provided by depositing FIL into GLIF on the pool page here. In exchange for your deposit, you’ll receive a proportionate amount of iFIL tokens at the current iFIL price.
Where can I see my earnings in GLIF?
You can check the FIL value of your iFIL holdings by visiting the wallet or multisig page of a particular address. FIL earnings will be displayed in the Tokens section:
Where do my earnings come from in GLIF?
Earnings come from the fees generated by Storage Providers while borrowing FIL from GLIF. FIL earnings are split evenly among iFIL holders, and automatically compounded in GLIF.
How does GLIF profit?
The GLIF Treasury retains 10% of the pool’s total earnings. These funds are used to support the development, growth, and security of GLIF.
How is LP (Liquidity Provider) charged?
There are no charges for LPs.
Last updated