





struct VerifiableCredential {
   * The issuer of the credential
   * Must be a valid VC Issuer recognized by the Router
  address issuer;
   * The id of the agent to which the credential is issued
  uint256 subject;
   * The epoch in which the credential was signed and issued
  uint256 epochIssued;
   * The epoch in which the credential expires
   * Approximately a 10 minute period of epochs
  uint256 epochValidUntil;
   * The value change associated with the action
   * For instance, in a `borrow` action, `value` would be set to the borrow amount
  uint256 value;
   * The action associated with the credential
   * Actions must correspond to the `msg.sig` of the function where the credential is used
  bytes4 action;
   * The miner ID that is the target of the action
   * Not all actions require a target - for instance, `borrow` does not require a target, since the borrower is the Agent and not a specific miner
   * An action like `pullFunds` requires a target, since the Agent is not the miner where funds are being pulled
  uint64 target;
   * The bytes representation of `AgentData` (listed below)
  AgentData claim;

struct AgentData {
   * The total value of the Agent's assets
   * This encompasses:
   * - The liquid funds (WFIL + FIL) in the Agent contract
   * - The vesting + locked + available funds in each of the Agent's miners
  uint256 agentValue;
   * Also known as “liquidation value” - collateralValue is 50% of the `agentValue` and is a heuristic for managing available funds + vesting funds + pledged funds - hypothetical termination penalties
  uint256 collateralValue;
   * The daily fee for sector fault penalties for any of the Agent's faulty sectors
  uint256 expectedDailyFaultPenalties;
   * The aggregated block rewards expected to be earned by this Agent's miners in the next 24h
  uint256 expectedDailyRewards;
   * A numerical representation of the Agent's financial risk
   * To keep rates fixed, the Infinity Pool hardcodes every SP's 
  uint256 gcred;
   * The aggregated quality adjusted power of all of the Agent's miners
  uint256 qaPower;
   * The total amount of FIL borrowed by the Agent
  uint256 principal;
   * The total amount of faulty sectors summed up across all the Agent's miners
  uint256 faultySectors;
   * The total amount of live sectors summed up across all the Agent's miners
  uint256 liveSectors;
   * An energy efficiency score computed by the Filecoin Green API
  uint256 greenScore;



向ADO提出请求的人必须持有与ADORequesterKey关联的私钥,才能接收已签名凭证。每次向ADO请求凭证时,请求者都会将请求签名为Json Web签名并将其发送给ADO。然后ADO验证请求是由ADORequesterKey的私钥持有者签名的。这确保Agent只能为自己请求已签名凭证。

Last updated